RNpocket Nursing eBook
Specifically designed for nurses, the RNpocket provides the basics for day-to-day nursing care available in an ebook format. Save time finding information on injections, labs, blood draws, abbreviations, vital signs, diets, supplements and much more inside this nursing reference. Healthcare professionals (nurses, nursing assistants, nursing students, certified nursing assistants, and medical assistants) across many different nursing fields use this medical reference. RNpocket provides the latest and most up-to-date pocket nursing reference available. Additional information you’ll find inside includes, catheter selection, fluids, insulin dosing, mental status exams, CXR, and non-crushable drugs.

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RNpocket Nursing eBook
Specifically designed for nurses, the RNpocket provides the basics for day-to-day nursing care available in an ebook format. Save time finding information on injections, labs, blood draws, abbreviations, vital signs, diets, supplements and much more inside this nursing reference. Healthcare professionals (nurses, nursing assistants, nursing students, certified nursing assistants, and medical assistants) across many different nursing fields use this medical reference. RNpocket provides the latest and most up-to-date pocket nursing reference available. Additional information you’ll find inside includes, catheter selection, fluids, insulin dosing, mental status exams, CXR, and non-crushable drugs.

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Use our book customizer to create the perfect book for your needs! Add extra medical chapters, change the chapter order and remove chapters you don't need. Try it out by clicking the "Customize this book" button above! Save your customized book to your account to review it at any time.

Make sure you get the perfect reference material for you! Click here for our Medical Reference Guides!