DOpocket Osteopathic eBook
DOpocket is a comprehensive medical reference guide specifically designed to meet the demands of all osteopathic students and residents. This pocket medical reference focuses on osteopathic principles with detailed information on the diagnosis, treatment, and medication guidelines used by today's healthcare professionals. Inside this reference you’ll find easy ways to access information with tab specific chapters to allow quick medical referencing and easy pocket storage to take on all your rotations.

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DOpocket Osteopathic eBook
DOpocket is a comprehensive medical reference guide specifically designed to meet the demands of all osteopathic students and residents. This pocket medical reference focuses on osteopathic principles with detailed information on the diagnosis, treatment, and medication guidelines used by today's healthcare professionals. Inside this reference you’ll find easy ways to access information with tab specific chapters to allow quick medical referencing and easy pocket storage to take on all your rotations.

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Make sure you get the perfect reference material for you! Click here for our Medical Reference Guides!